Tag Archive: mars hill graduate school


the realm of student leadership that i facilitate (sacred space) had its final meeting of the year tonight … we had a WONDERFUL dinner together, spent time dreaming about next year, spent time… Continue reading

Beautiful day in the neighborhood.

Christ Pantocrator

Why Twilight Sucks and My Friend kj Is Awesome!

my friend kj swanson wrote a kick-ass integrative project entitled “Why are You Apologizing for Bleeding? Confronting the Evangelical Embrace of Stephenie Meyer’s Twilight Saga.” you can download the paper and watch a… Continue reading

A Benediction.

written by my friend kate sweet for our fall forward vespers service. You are the life-giving Creator of all things; We thank you for changing seasons and new beginnings. Bless these seeds and… Continue reading

Wild Garden, Holy Spirit: A Pentecost(al) Reflection.

this is another poem/reflection written by my friend eric for our fall forward vespers service last week.  he reflected on the season of pentecost (hence the title! =] ). Wild Garden, Holy Spirit:… Continue reading